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Natascha Nunn-Wilson, Founder and CEO, Trinity Therapies
I started with Vivian and Brand New Me to find a work life balance. I was “STUCK” in this place that was not alive or breathing. The process is life changing. I am slowly but surely allowing my mind to see past my old habits and thoughts. I am embracing the God within me and HIS plans for my life.
Brand New Me has allowed me to believe in the possibilities. So much so that I am starting my own business. I actually applied for my LLC and received my MD license #. I should have done this long ago BUT there was always a BUT. BNM helped me to see ME the woman, the spirit, the gift. The other Ladies have been so encouraging and motivating. Not in a competitive way but a “Let’s go Ladies” way. When I hear the voices say “it’s too much, you can’t, what if .....” My BNM coaching tools quickly come to mind. I also find encouragement through one on one coaching, reading testimonials and the conference calls with the Ladies. This is just the beginning.

Deeran Anderson-Hooper,
DJ, TV and Radio Personality
Vivian Hughes is the best mindset coach for aspiring entrepreneurs out there. She keeps it real and will keep you accountable. Working with Vivian has made me concur things I would have never thought I would, like moving to Los Angeles where I had the chance to talk to Steve Harvey and Buddy Lewis and run into Lisa Ray and Ludacris. She pushed me to concur my dream even though it was my greatest fear at the same time and now I am a Professional DJ, Entertainer, Radio Personality and Influencer
What are people saying about the book?

This amazing book was written for women but also helps men understand so many things! To me, this book is a powerful testament to the benefits of self- accountability and how looking within can change you, your relationships, and your experience.
As a leadership and life coach, this book has helped me better understand some of the more painful experiences of my clients and how to coach them through it. This book is written from the perspective of a woman who, through the journey of some major life pivots both good and bad, has obviously managed to evolve into a masterful change agent for her and her tribe.
And not to give anything away, but the perspectives of the three voices she included towards the end of the book were both tear-jerking and extremely impactful. Thank you for this.

I feel like I need to send Vivian Hughes a check for the introspective opportunity she's afforded her readers. She shared with transparency that now has me doing a deep dive; it felt like a therapy session, yet she used her experiences as a transformation rather than choosing to self destruct. Every woman will experience a positive take away after reading this book.

Vivian Hughes is wise beyond her years. Her book, “It’s All Me: The Modern Woman’s Guide to Thriving After Divorce” is a thought provoking work of art that gives the reader a window into her divorce journey. The author provides a transparent view while at the same time sharing many pearls of wisdom that can be applied to any relationship scenario. As a happily married wife and mother, I found this book to be insightful and inspiring, and I totally recommend it to all women regardless of marital status. It provides a genuine perspective of life, love, pain, and healing; And is a true example of how to overcome personal trauma for yourself and the sake of your children. Thank you for writing this book!